EMERYVILLE, California, 94608-3578 United States

Mission Statement

GambiaRising works with impoverished people in the west African nation of The Gambia to better themselves, primarily through providing scholarships for students to stay in school through 12th grade. Our focus is on scholarships for those most in need, which leads naturally to a focus on girls, and especially girls who have reached puberty, or "marrying age".

About This Cause

Founded by a returned Peace Corps Country Director and a group of returned Peace Corps volunteers, GambiaRising works with a team of Gambian educators to provide financial support for students from impoverished families to stay in school. School is not free in The Gambia, and when faced with a choice between feeding their family or paying for school, the choice must be survival. The expense of school is low by American standards, but beyond reach of many in a country where living on less than $1 per day is the norm. 2/3 of those we support are girls and half are girls of "marrying age". We have no paid staff and our founders pay our administrative costs (mostly travel), so that 100% of funds donated for scholarships are used directly for students' education. Study after study has shown that education among the most impactful actions available, and leads to beneficial secondary outcomes of many many kinds, from infant mortality, to family size, to family health, and family income. Not to mention the effect on the students themselves, growing up with their peers, gaining a new sense of confidence and possibility.

1500 Park Ave Apt # 503
EMERYVILLE, California 94608-3578
United States
Phone 415-902-1195
Unique Identifier 276775063