BOERNE, Texas, 78015 United States

Mission Statement

Hill Country Daily Bread Ministries’ mission is to help unite and equip the Body of Christ with the food, resources, and training necessary to transform our communities and the lives of those in poverty and need through the love and saving grace of Jesus Christ. HCDBM's relationship-driven programs produce deep, measurable, and lasting change in the lives of impoverished individuals and families and empower them to see a future beyond poverty. Radically different from traditional “giveaway” nonprofits, we offer a “hand up,” not a “hand out.” While many anti-poverty programs address physical and material needs such as food and clothing, they do not have the impact of moving people out of poverty. However, the goals of HCDBM’s Church Training Module and our three core programs are to break the cycle of generational and situational poverty and create independent, self-sufficient members of society.

About This Cause

HCDBM addresses the serious issues of poverty in our Texas Hill Country community through the creation of a unique and effective church partnership model that: • Provides for training and consultations for ministry start up, • Provides for case management and physical needs of clients, • Matches families, individuals, and at-risk students with dedicated mentors, • Trains churches and community on effective poverty alleviation principles, • Establishes and supports collaborations with local church mentoring ministries, • Provides basic resources (food, diapers, and clothing) for families and local nonprofit partners, • And, provides resources for special children’s programs. To sum, HCDBM is the “toolbox” for churches and our community partners to use to meet basic physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of people in poverty. Our Church Training Module (CTM) is vital to leveraging relationships to effect change in the lives of those in need and those who can serve. In addition to the CTM, HCDBM has three core programs: the Family Mentoring Resource, the Stand By Me Student Mentoring, and the Community Resource. Core Program 1: Family Mentoring Resource Program The Family Mentoring Resource Program (FMRP) allows individuals and families to see a future beyond crisis and need. It is a unique, holistic, human development program designed to move people out of poverty and dependence to self-sufficiency and independence. All people are welcome – we turn no one away. In 2015, FMRP assisted 741 households (2,312 individuals, including 929 children) with intentional case management, long-term mentoring relationships, and quality of life issues. • Intentional Case Management: FMRP Case Managers (CM) are trained to address the underlying issues causing poverty. That is why the needs of each individual or family (client) are assessed in the initial intake assessment interview. CMs are aware of the challenges the clients are facing and evaluate each client’s essential stability issues such as physical, emotional, and spiritual health. They then give a minimum of four referrals to health and community services. An Action Plan is developed, and clients set short/long term goals, which are reviewed at six months and one year intervals, with a mandatory annual review. Household information is recorded in a customized database so that special needs for each family member are noted and support systems are in place. Our focus is about intentional case management for maximum individual attention. • Long-Term Mentoring: The Goals and Action Plans are shared with the client’s Family Mentor (FM) so that they can assist their assigned families with problems identified by the CM. Per our Church Training Module, the FM, a volunteer from one of our partner churches, receives special training in poverty-alleviation. They are then responsible for delivering basic resources – meats, dairy, fresh fruits and vegetables, and bread, child or adult diapers, personal health/hygiene items, and paper goods – every other week to the clients’ homes. Being in the home environment enables the FM to note additional issues that may be keeping the family grounded in poverty and report the situation(s) back to the CM. The FMs pray with their families and share the Good News of a loving Savior. HCDBM has found that long-term, one-on-one mentoring relationships are instrumental in developing new positive habits to replace negative, destructive behaviors that keep people entrenched in poverty. • Addressing Quality of Life Issues: HCDBM is focused on helping clients’ quality of life and well-being. That is why clients with special dietary needs receive the appropriate food boxes – sugar free for diabetics, gluten-free for gluten-intolerant. In addition, we know that poverty has an impact on children’s well-being as well as their families. That is why FMRP also offers specially designed services for children to enrich their lives. These services include Easter Baskets, Christmas Gifts, Back to School clothes, Birthday in a Bag, and the Book Club and are delivered by Family Mentors. For the elderly and disabled, we help them for as long as they require our assistance. We know that poverty is more than food insecurity or lack of money. Isolation, deterioration of health, addictions, abuse, and mental health problems are all systematic of living in poverty in a rural community. Together, Case Managers and Family Mentors walk alongside each client in the FMRP to ensure they have the necessary tools and physical, emotional, and spiritual support to break the cycle of generational and situational poverty. Core Program 2: Stand By Me Student Mentoring Program HCDBM recognizes that children living in poverty are especially vulnerable and that statistics show they often follow their family trajectory into poverty. That is why we developed the concept of Stand By Me (SBM) Student Mentoring Program in 2006. SBM’s vision is to transform the lives of Texas Hill Country children living in poverty - spiritually, emotionally and academically - through mentoring relationships so that the mentored children are able to become healthy adults who break the cycle of poverty. A community-based program, SBM targets at-risk students, grades K-12, in Kendall County by developing long-term mentoring one on one relationship with adult Christian mentors that lead to educational success, personal empowerment, and positive goal setting. This relationship is important as over 50% of the children in HCDBM programs live in fatherless homes. Currently we have 75 children in SBM with another 25 on the waiting list for a mentor (40% of the mentees are enrolled in FMRP). Besides mentoring, SBM offers Summer Camps, and SBM Leadership Academy. • Summer Camp: Considered a “Milestone Moment” for families, having a summer camp experience creates an opportunity to grow in confidence for both the child and parents. This is especially important for children from impoverished families as they have few positive, enriching recreational experiences in their everyday lives. That is why SBM offers them the opportunity to attend area summer camps. Youth in K-5th attend local day camps, while older youth can attend overnight camps and learn to spend time away from their families. While at camp, the children can go kayaking, learn archery, or engage in other outdoor activities, plus be around a Christian adult role model, their counselor. SBM mentees receive scholarships to attend summer camp by completing community service, which teaches them responsibility and the value of giving back. • Stand By Me Leadership Academy (SBMLA): SBMLA is held three days a week for six weeks during summer months. At-risk students participate in community service, reading/writing programs, and fun learning opportunities as well as interactive learning. Using curriculum based on critical thinking through reading and writing, this year’s goal was to help cultivate Leadership Skills, Sense of Belonging, and Sense of Purpose. Students were challenged to expand their critical thinking ability. Each week was pre-planned with serving opportunities within the community, reading and writing plans, small group conversation time, field trips, and guest speakers from area businesses. In the final week, students designed an outreach service project for their team to implement. These activities move children who identify as victims to empowerment to be leaders. SBMLA gives at-risk students a foundation to succeed academically, graduate from high school, break out of the cycle of generational poverty, and offers hope for their future. Core Program 3: Community Resource Program (CRP) HCDBM coordinates services with 172 churches/NPOs/organizations to strengthen our communities through our Community Resource Program and help another 18,000+ individuals receive FREE resources. HCDBM is the regional supplier of bulk resources such as food, clothing, hygiene products, and child/adult diapers for area nonprofit agencies, civic organizations, and local churches. Our affiliated organizations then distribute products to their constituents in need. This service allows our community partners to stretch the impact of their operating budgets as we reach out to societies’ most vulnerable populations.

38 Cascade Caverns Road
BOERNE, Texas 78015
United States
Phone 830-755-5200
Unique Identifier 300148195