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Mission Statement
A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation raises awareness about lung cancer (causes, symptoms, unfair funding levels, treatments, resources), supports patients and families (rides, care companions, support groups) and raises money for cutting edge lung cancer research (fellowships focused on quickest way to improving the 16% survivor rate).
About This Cause
A Breath of Hope Lung Foundation was founded in Minnesota in 2007 by lung cancer patients and their families. Some smoked, some never had. All were struck by how little is known about this disease and by how they were treated after their diagnosis. We are working hard to fund promising research, support patients, and raise awareness about lung cancer knowing that improved awareness can help people catch the disease earlier, which could save their life. Nonsmokers in particular miss symptoms and don’t normally beat the disease. The current survival rate is 16%. Talking Points------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Facts: • Most lung cancer diagnoses occur in stages 3 and 4 due to lack of preventative screening and poor disease awareness. • Lung cancer claims more American lives each year than breast, colon and prostate cancers combined. • Lung cancer kills twice as many women as breast cancer, yet is funded by 10 times less. • Lung cancer kills 2500 Minnesotans and 160,000 Americans each year – many of these deaths were preventable. • Lung cancer is under-researched, under-funded, and generally dismissed by society due to the smoking stigma, which is both inaccurate and unfair. • Half of those diagnosed each year are nonsmokers – either never or former smokers. • Half of those diagnosed each year come from low income communities. Part of our mission is to raise awareness and improve access to care in these communities. Prevention: • Developing healthy lung habits • Knowing the causes and symptoms of lung cancer • Talking with your primary care physician about current lung screening available in Minnesota and your own risk factors • Knowing when a cough and multiple inaccurate diagnoses should signal a second opinion or request for screening • Understanding what history constitutes ‘high risk’ for lung cancer and talking with your physician about an LDCT Scan