DAYTON, Ohio, 45469-7056 United States

Mission Statement

The University of Dayton is a comprehensive Catholic university, a diverse community committed, in the Marianist tradition, to educating the whole person and to linking learning and scholarship with leadership and service. The University of Dayton is a comprehensive university committed to offering a broad range of programs in liberal arts, the sciences, and the professions at the undergraduate level, to providing selected programs on the graduate level to meet the needs of the community and region, to sponsoring timely continuing education programs. As comprehensive, the University views learning and scholarship as a shared task of discovering, integrating, applying and communicating knowledge at the intersections of liberal and professional education, across the disciplines, and through combining theory with practice. As Catholic, the University commits itself to a distinctive vision of learning and scholarship that includes: a common search for truth based on the belief that truth can be more fully known and is ultimately one; a respect for the dignity of each human person created in the image and likeness of God; and an appreciation that God is manifested sacramentally through creation and the ordinary things in life. Ultimately, a Catholic vision of the intellectual life is based upon the acceptance of the revelation of God in Jesus Christ as it has been received and handed on by the Church. This challenge calls for integration of the human and the divine, reason and faith, and promotes true understanding through a person’s head and heart. The University welcomes persons of all faiths and persuasions to participate in open and reflective dialogue concerning truth and the ultimate meaning of life. Founded in the Marianist tradition, the University is committed to a vision of a distinctive educational community. As Marianist, the University focuses on educating the whole person in and through a community that supports and challenges all who become a part of it. The University forms an educational community thriving on collaboration by people from diverse backgrounds with different skills who come together for common purposes. The University as Marianist challenges all its members to become servant-leaders who connect scholarship and learning with leadership and service. This university community-comprehensive, Catholic and Marianist-exists not for itself, but to render service. The University creates an environment in which its members, working in a scholarly manner, are free to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their own work and the work of others. In partnership, through the Research Institute, Campus Ministry, as well as numerous student organizations, the University works with others to improve the human community. UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON MISSION

About This Cause

Higher Education

300 College Park Ave
DAYTON, Ohio 45469-7056
United States
Phone 937-229-2850
Unique Identifier 310536715