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Mission Statement
Hospice of Dayton's mission is to celebrate the lives of those we have the privilege of serving by providing excellence in care and superior services to each patient and family. Our founders envisioned championing patient choice and emphasizing quality of life. We provide comfort, compassionate care, and supportive services for those at end-of-life, and grief support for their families and loved ones.
About This Cause
Hospice of Dayton celebrates over 40 years of service to Miami Valley communities. Our mission is to celebrate the lives of those we have the privilege of serving by providing excellence in care and superior services to each patient and family. Dedicated to serving the communities of Montgomery, Greene, Preble, Clinton, Clark, Miami, Warren and Butler Counties, Hospice of Dayton currently serves over 4,000 patients annually and employs over 650 staff members. We provide comfort, compassionate care, and supportive services for those at end-of-life, and grief support for their families and loved ones. Hospice of Dayton has helped generations of families in the Greater Dayton region nearing the end of life's journey. As one of the earliest freestanding hospices in the country, the Dayton Hospice House offers 51 private patient rooms and Lorelei’s Place in Franklin, Ohio offers 13. We provide care to patients in 18 hospitals, 150 skilled nursing facilities, as well as in their own homes covering our eight county service area. We provide specialists in hospice and palliative care including physicians, registered nurses, Advance Practice nurses, respiratory therapists, social workers, home health aides, chaplains, and pharmacists. These professionals work energetically to help patients and caregivers gain comfort and peace of mind. We are committed to: • Making quality hospice care available and accessible to terminally ill persons and their families. • Providing services in a manner consistent with the highest hospice standards. • Advocating for the needs of terminally ill individuals and their families. • Offering comfort, dignity, privacy and care for each patient. • Improving and enhancing end-of-life care. • Respecting the patient's choice for care. • Responding to changing community needs. • Serving as a community resource for education and improving the availability of quality end-of-life care. The following programs are provided to our patients and grieving families, and are absolutely imperative to uphold our commitment of maintaining the highest level of excellence: • Uninsured Patient Care and Services - At Hospice of Dayton, everyone receives care regardless of their ability to pay. • Open Access - As an open access hospice provider, we admit patients regardless of treatment choice. • In-patient Care Options - We provide intensive care for patients experiencing medical situations or symptoms that cannot be managed in the home or facility-based setting. • HOPE Fund - This fund assists patients and their families by providing comfort beyond medical needs. • Focused Care and Innovative Care Solutions - We provide highly specialized disease-specific treatment for hospice patients and palliative care for individuals with significant pain and symptom control issues. We extend our mission by helping individuals who are not eligible for hospice programs, but have a terminal diagnosis. • Home Health Aide/Support - We tailor our home health aide services to meet the needs of individual patients and have more State Certified home health aides on staff than any other hospice in the region. • Presence at Time of Death - Our goal is to assure that each patient does not die alone. We are committed to having hospice care providers by the bedside at the time of death. • Community-wide Grief Support Services - Hospice of Dayton's grief counseling center, Pathways of Hope, makes the support of highly trained grief counselors available at no cost to anyone in the community in need of bereavement. • Complementary Therapies - Music/Massage/Respiratory/Aroma/Pet Therapies: These therapies assist in reducing restlessness, sleeplessness, anxiety, pain, depression and stress. Research indicates the need for medications is reduced and patients experience decreased physical and emotional symptom distress as the result of these therapies. Hospice of Dayton continues to offer every element of our extensive array of services to anyone eligible for hospice care, regardless of insurance coverage or ability to pay and regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age or physical ability and language. Hospice care includes pain control, symptom management, and counseling in an effort to make the last days of a patient's life as comfortable as possible. Hospice of Dayton upholds our commitment to the community by providing quality of end-of-life care to our patients and families.