Granville, Ohio, 43023-0810 United States

Mission Statement

Denison’s purpose is to inspire and educate its students to become autonomous thinkers, discerning moral agents and active citizens of a democratic society.

About This Cause

Founded in 1831, Denison University is an independent residential liberal arts and sciences college offering 53 academic majors and five pre-professional programs. Denison is accredited by the Commission on Institutions of the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools and certified by the Ohio Board of Regents to grant Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, and Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees. Denison’s pre-med program is recognized by all medical schools accredited by the Association of American Medical Colleges.

Po Box 810
Granville, Ohio 43023-0810
United States
Phone 740-587-5657
Unique Identifier 314379459