Girls Leadership

Oakland, California, 94607-2524 United States

Mission Statement

Girls Leadership equips girls with the skills to use the power of their voice.

About This Cause

For over ten years, Girls Leadership has awakened thousands of girls to a life of authentic leadership. Co-founded by educator and social entrepreneur, Simone Marean, and bestselling author and educator, Rachel Simmons, we are a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization providing transformational programs to girls, their parents, and their educational communities. There are 25 million girls in K-12 in the US. We believe every single one of them deserves to be powerful. At Girls Leadership, we offer camps and workshops designed to teach girls, educators and parents the core practices of emotional intelligence, healthy relationships, and assertive self-expression. Taught by professional, salaried instructors, all programs use interactive lessons and social emotional learning-based techniques to help girls connect with their emotions and practice the tools of building healthy, authentic relationships. The courses are age-appropriate and progressive, following girls’ developmental needs from grade school through high school.

Girls Leadership
111 Myrtle St, Suite 101
Oakland, California 94607-2524
United States
Phone (866) 744-9102
Unique Identifier 331207431