St. Paul, Minnesota, 55114 United States

Mission Statement

Our mission is to build power within Minnesota’s 2SLGBTQIA+ communities and address inequities through intersectional organizing, advocacy, education, and direct support services. We envision a safe and equitable world where all members of our communities are free to lead lives of opportunity, autonomy, and full self-expression.

About This Cause

OUTFRONT MINNESOTA was founded in August 1987 as a resource for queer and trans community members experiencing violence and hate crimes because of their identities. However, we soon saw issues facing the LGBTQ+ communities needed to be addressed with systemic change in addition to direct services. In 1993, we successfully passed a statewide nondiscrimination law that included sexual orientation AND gender identity as protected statuses in the Minnesota Human Rights Act—the first law that included protections for our trans community members. We won marriage by defeating an anti-marriage amendment at the ballot box in 2012 and passing marriage equality through the legislature in 2013. We ensured that our kids have safe and supportive environments to learn in by passing the Safe and Supportive Schools Act in 2014 and the Trans Toolkit in 2017. In 2023, we passed the Conversion Therapy Ban and the Trans Refuge Bill. Our fight is not over and our supporters are needed more than ever.

2446 University Ave W, Suite 112
St. Paul, Minnesota 55114
United States
Phone 6128220127
Twitter @outfrontmn
Unique Identifier 363550489