St. Joseph, Michigan, 49085 United States

Mission Statement

United Way of Southwest Michigan tackles the source, not just the symptoms, of our community’s core challenges. That’s how we go beyond short-term charity for a few to long-lasting solutions that lift up the whole community.

About This Cause

We are part of a network of nearly 1,800 United Ways in 41 countries and territories. As the largest privately-funded nonprofit in the world, with more than 2.8 million volunteers and 9.3 million donors, United Way plays a unique leadership role in Southwest Michigan. We recruit the people and organizations with the passion, expertise, and resources to get things done. United Way of Southwest Michigan funds many local programs but we also provide accountability. Volunteers track and monitor the results of funded programs which ensures donor dollars are being used to make the most impact. United Way of Southwest Michigan recruits people with passion, expertise and resources who want to make a difference here. We focus on education, income, health and basic needs because those are the building blocks for a good quality life and a strong community. A quality education is essential to getting a good job with health benefits. An income that can cover today’s needs and save for tomorrow solidifies a family’s foundation. Good health helps children succeed at school and adults succeed at work. Lastly, everyone should have all their basic needs met to live with dignity and hope. Remove any one building block, and the other two topple. Build them all up, and we have a strong foundation for collective success.

2015 Lakeview Avenue
St. Joseph, Michigan 49085
United States
Phone 269-982-1700
Website www.uwsm.org
Unique Identifier 381358411