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Mission Statement
Sparking Children's Learning Through Play
About This Cause
Giving the Power of Play a Boost Play is a powerful force. We’re trying to add it as the 8th wonder of the world. Everything your child is attempting to do or doing, even if it results in something unexpected, contributes significantly to their development. The process in which they go through contains dozens of “lessons” and holds all the learning power. The end result, while informative, is far less essential. It is the process that teaches your children to be active learners throughout life, and it is the process that arms them with “tools” they will call upon and use daily throughout childhood, school, college and career. Smart Play is Active: Both the mind and body are dynamically involved Additive: Past knowledge and experience are used to gain new knowledge through new experiences Ingenious: A variety of inventive ways to reveal individuality and progess thinking are expressed Intrinsic: Personal motivation that stems from deep desire and genuine enjoyment Smart Play at the Museum holds volumes of value in supporting children in their learning and development. Smart play also supports parents in their desire to provide “the best” for their children, and other adults who have children at the center of their lives, like educators, in their quest to make a difference. Did we mention Smart Play is ridiculously and fantastically fun?