SAINT PAUL, Minnesota, 55101-1626 United States

Mission Statement

Exists to acquire, protect and enhance critical land for the public's use and benefit.

About This Cause

The Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota has been helping to create, protect and enhance Minnesota's parks and trails since 1954. We value and promote: •Sustainable, long-term statewide land stewardship and conservation •Outdoor recreation for its educational, health & community benefits •Openness, inclusiveness, collaboration and volunteerism • Service as an independent, honest and forthright voice for parks and trails •Decisions informed by the best available science and data Our History: Parks & Trails Council of Minnesota was established in 1954 as one of the first of its kind in the nation—a statewide citizen advisory board for state parks. It all began, appropriately enough at Itasca, Minnesota’s first state park, where the state’s top parks advocates gathered to discuss the future of Minnesota state parks. In attendance were Minnesota State Parks director U.W. Hella and Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Clarence R. Magney. Judge Magney (for whom Judge C.R. Magney State Park is named), served as the first chair of P&TC, then called the Minnesota Council of State Parks. At that time, membership was limited to 16 active members. In later years the membership limit was raised to 50, and eventually membership was opened to all people who wanted to assist this work through their membership support. Today that’s well over 3,000 people. Today, we continue the important work of preserving land and creating opportunities for everyone to enjoy Minnesota’s outstanding natural heritage. With your help, we can continue to ensure these same opportunities are around for future generations!

275 4Th St E Ste 250
SAINT PAUL, Minnesota 55101-1626
United States
Phone 651-726-2457
Unique Identifier 411450303