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Mission Statement
Pet Haven is locally focused and rescues and re-homes Minnesota dogs and cats, spays and neuters to reduce overpopulation, promotes companion animal welfare, and advocates on behalf of companion animals.
About This Cause
Pet Haven relies solely upon adoption fees, tax-deductible donations, and special events to keep our rescue operating. We are a foster-based animal rescue dedicated to helping dogs and cats find new homes with loving families. With in-home fostering, each dog and cat lives with a foster family until they are matched with their forever family. This allows us to learn about each animal’s specific needs and temperaments – such as personality traits, likes and dislikes, medical needs, and training tips. With this first-hand information, we can match the right family to each dog and cat and provide adoptive families with essential information before bringing home their newest family member. We provide all basic needs for animals in our care, including proper food, veterinary care, behavior training, and supplies such as kennels and leashes. In addition, please note the following: We spay/neuter prior to adoption. We microchip all pets, register pets to adopters and stay on as a secondary contact for life. Once a Pet Haven pet always a Pet Havne Pet. We do not euthanize animals unless they have untreatable health or behavioral conditions that deny them an acceptable quality of life or make them a serious threat to people, other animals, or themselves. Pet Haven also provides education to the public on responsible companion animal care. Our volunteers are committed to representing respect for animals in any situation – for example when working with prospective new families, meeting people at public events, and socializing with friends and family. We encourage others to view and treat their pets as members of the family. We are their guardians, and they depend on us for our companionship and care. Pet Haven's staff, Board of Directors, and volunteers provide the passion, commitment, and dedication to keep Pet Haven a safe haven for animals for more than 70 years. We are committed to preventing pet homelessness through the SNIP Grant. Since 2005, Pet Haven has granted more than $250,000 to organizations in Minnesota to support spay/neuter initiatives.