Washington University

St Louis, Missouri, 631304899 United States

Mission Statement

The mission of Washington University in St. Louis is the promotion of learning — learning by students and by faculty. Teaching, the transmission of knowledge, is central to our mission, as is research, the creation of new knowledge.

About This Cause

Faculty — composed of scholars, scientists, artists and members of the learned professions — serve society by teaching; by adding to the store of human art, creativity, understanding, and wisdom; and by providing direct services, such as health care. The university offers more than 90 programs and almost 1,500 courses leading to bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in a broad spectrum of traditional and interdisciplinary fields, with additional opportunities for minor concentrations and individualized programs.

Washington University
One Brookings Drive, Campus Box 1082
St Louis, Missouri 631304899
United States
Phone 314-935-5800
Unique Identifier 430653611