FIRST Washington

KENT, Washington, 98032 United States

Mission Statement

The sport of science, technology, and teamwork. FIRST Washington inspires diverse young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership. We are proud to have FIRST ( as our global partner.

About This Cause

At FIRST Washington, youth progress through four programs that use project-based learning: FIRST LEGO League Jr., FIRST LEGO League, FIRST Tech Challenge, and FIRST Robotics Competition. Using robotics as a vehicle for students to learn to experiment, deal with failure, work on a team, research a problem, and learn valuable career, communication, and teamwork skills, students as young as six apply this learning to design a robot around an annual challenge or theme applicable to the real world. STEM literacy is now a requirement for a living wage job in the 21st-century economy, yet businesses in Washington are having difficulty finding skilled STEM talent to fill available jobs. Many STEM jobs pay wages close to double the U.S. average (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021), yet too few students graduate with "the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in STEM careers, especially students of color” (School’s Out Washington, 2021). This workforce gap is perpetuated by a lack of relevant studies and training that keep students engaged; only 1 in 14 Washington public high schools offer an AP Computer Science course. With little to hold their interest, students begin falling behind in science and math at an early age. By eighth grade, at least 50% have deemed science irrelevant for their future, which is why FIRST Washington offers exciting mentor-based programs to keep students interested in further STEM Education.

FIRST Washington
22426 72Nd Ave S
KENT, Washington 98032
United States
Phone 253-236-9327
Twitter @first_wa
Unique Identifier 452443839