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Mission Statement
SEED promotes the teaching and learning of 21st century skills by better preparing Dover students for post-secondary education and career challenges. SEED encourages creativity and supports Dover teachers in their implementation of new tools and teaching techniques.
About This Cause
SEED is the Seacoast Educational Endowment Dover, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. With monies from both business and individual community giving, it awards grants to Dover public school teachers for innovative programs, practices, and resources. SEED was founded out of concern from citizens and local businesses about the 21st century skills of persons entering the workforce. Furthermore, during tough economic times, it’s a challenge for public schools to find the resources to take on new initiatives to better develop these skills in our students. Support from the local community can be very helpful in making our schools even better and making our city an even more appealing place to move a family. SEED has support from members of the community who believe in achieving the highest level of education and opportunity for Dover students and who are willing to donate funds to support this cause. SEED appeals to Dover teachers to apply for SEED funding by submitting applications describing projects they would like to initiate. The SEED Board reviews applications and selects projects to fund through grant awards. SEED funding focus areas include -Instructional Projects or Programs -Instructional Innovation (tools, techniques, technology) -Educator Development Criteria for judging applications begins with the number of students served. Then SEED measures the alignment to SEED mission and goals as well as district and state standards. Finally, SEED reviews the application for potential to improve student learning, overall project sustainability, measurable outcomes for evaluation, and appropriateness of budget. Applications are evaluated by a committee of 4 to 6 members of the SEED board and advisors representing the larger Dover community. Grants are awarded twice a year. Applications are due on April 1st and October 1st.