Cause Project
Donation Goal
Donation Goal
Project Details
2019 marks TEN years since the C4AA’s first program! Since then we’ve worked with thousands of artistic activists in 14 countries, on 4 continents! We’re excited about what’s ahead and need your support to get there.
Double Your Donation for C4AA’s 10th Year!
And for a limited time, you can give twice as much help to artists and activists across the globe accomplish groundbreaking creative change!
If we hit our mark, any donation you make will be matched! A small family foundation wants to support C4AA’s work and encourage more people like you to support us as well. So if we can reach $5000 before November 21, that amount is doubled!
Why C4AA?
The Center for Artistic Activism has been helping make more creative activists and more effective artists since 2009. For the past few years we’ve helped some of the most vulnerable people under some of the most repressive regimes around the world. Now we turn our attention back home, and use what we’ve seen work elsewhere to help build a vibrant alternative.
We Believe in Artistic Activism
Negative predictions come easily and the world has enough bitterness. Right now the world needs your vision, your optimism, and your empathy. It needs your drive and motivation. It needs your most compelling stories, your creativity, and it needs your humor. We need new ideas of how the world can work, and new ways to get there.
The Center trains people to use these ideas in effective campaigns through proven methodologies. With your help, the Center for Artistic Activism supports groups and individuals who are looking for creative and effective ways to counteract bigotry, hate, misinformation and fear.
Support Artistic Activists Around the World
Your donations allow us to serve communities who normally wouldn’t be able to afford our programs and help us focus on the most important work we can do.
Your donation is tax deductible
Center for Artistic Activism is a not-for-profit, certified 501(c)(3) tax exempt charitable and educational organization.Under IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt charitable and educational organization code, the full amount of your donation is tax deductible against your income. To fully benefit from this great tax benefit that helps you reduce your taxes, please inform and consult your expert tax specialist in regards to each donation you make.
Make a donation through your employer
You can ask your company to add us to their Matching Gifts Campaign.
See for more information on giving today and what THANK YOU GIFTS you may be eligible to receive. Thank you indeed from all of us in the C4AA family!
Donation Deadline
Wednesday, Nov 21, 2018
Project Website Project Location
Po Box 543, BEACON,
New York 12508-0543
United States.