BROOKLYN, New York, 11219-1764 United States

Mission Statement

NACHMO aims to make the creative process more accessible to choreographers of all backgrounds, means, and locations.

About This Cause

NACHMO is about the process of dance-making We believe that choreography is a skill that develops through practice. While choreographers often focus on product and performance, NACHMO focuses on the joy of the fast and sometimes messy process of making a dance against a deadline. Above all, NACHMO is a lark! NACHMO is an inclusive and welcoming community The NACHMO challenge is open to everyone. At least some aspects of programing should be open to anyone who wishes to participate. If it’s not possible or desirable to include everyone in a show, the procedure for selecting performers should be clearly communicated to participants. For example, is it first-come-first-served, will there be a lottery, or will the show be curated? We value demographic diversity in our participant body and shows and strive to recruit and include dance artists of different ages, races, genders, and stages in their career development. We value artistic diversity in our participant body and shows, and strive to recruit and include a variety of genres and styles of dance. NACHMO considers our audience We do not assume or require the audience to have any prior dance knowledge or experience. We clearly communicate that they’ll be seeing dance made in a month and that most of it is work in process. We welcome the audience into the NACHMO experience through helpful tools to receive and respond to the work, such as a question from the choreographer to consider while watching the dance. Discussions with the audience are structured, casual and welcoming. We make the experience as accessible and comfortable as possible. We consider the length of the show so that audience feels fulfilled but not exhausted. Ticket prices are kept low. Our venues are ADA compliant when possible.

973 44Th Street
BROOKLYN, New York 11219-1764
United States
Unique Identifier 464001951