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Mission Statement
Pacific Wild is a non-profit operating in the heart of British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest. We are committed to defending wildlife and their habitat on Canada’s Pacific coast by developing and implementing conservation solutions in collaboration with First Nations communities, scientists, other organizations and individuals. Pacific Wild supports innovative research, public education, community outreach and awareness to achieve the goal of lasting environmental protection in the lands and waters of the Great Bear Rainforest and Pacific Northwest.
About This Cause
Pacific Wild is the leading voice for wildlife conservation in the Great Bear Rainforest and throughout the wild Pacific Northwest. With your partnership, we are able to support and conduct innovative research, amplify public education around wildlife conservation issues, undertake dynamic community outreach and insist that lasting environmental protections are created, monitored and enforced for the lands and waters in one of the planet's last temperate coastal rainforests. Using our powerful, authentic, visual storytelling (film, photography, books), evidence-based reporting, wildlife monitoring, legal action and community-led initiatives, Pacific Wild leverages its many partnerships to influence policy, public opinion, and legislative change to more urgently support healthy and protected ecosystems. Current campaigns include a court action against the B.C. government on the legality of the aerial wolf cull and multi-organization education and outreach campaign, partnering on a call for a moratorium on recreational/sport killing of wolves until scientific and ethical concerns are addressed; identifying the significant number of north coast salmon streams with no current data informing Department of Fisheries and Oceans quota decisions; pushing for a moratorium on the west coast's last functional Pacific herring population in the Salish Sea through research, and documentation of diminishing fish size and returns year over year; calling for a ban on bottom trawling in B.C. waters to protect sea floor ecosystems and significant bycatch mortality; and mapping old-growth in British Columbia for interactive storytelling around protection, human impacts on the landscape, and intersection with coastal salmon runs, declining caribou populations, and loss of biodiversity. A possible future project is an on-the-ground implementation of conflict mitigation for wolves and endangered mountain caribou using functional restoration to direct apex predators away from caribou and towards appropriate ungulate prey. We are looking for major partners to make a difference on the ground for caribou and wolves.