Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence
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Mission Statement
GIFFORDS Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, the nation’s leading policy organization dedicated to researching, writing, enacting, and defending proven laws and programs, is on a mission to save lives from gun violence by shifting culture, changing policies, and challenging injustice.
About This Cause
GIFFORDS Law Center works at the local, state, and national levels by providing technical assistance, free of charge, to lawmakers, advocates, legal professionals, law enforcement, and citizens who seek to make their communities safer from gun violence. By providing critical support for the enactment of effective and defensible legislation at the state and local levels, we fill gaps in federal policy and demonstrate that we can enact gun safety measures that save thousands of lives and do not threaten Second Amendment rights. Since the landmark Supreme Court decision in Heller v. District of Columbia in 2008 that redefined the Second Amendment, we have tracked all Second Amendment legislation and litigation nationwide. We provide information and support to cities and states facing challenges through maintenance of a brief bank, pro bono research and support, and amicus briefing. We provide extensive, in-depth summaries of federal, state, and local firearm laws and policies. The most comprehensive resource for information on US firearms regulation, we supply the foremost information and analysis on the Second Amendment, as well as detailed statistics, study findings, and polling in support of strong gun regulation. Community education and action are also critical to creating a safer America. By making complex legal and policy issues understandable, conducting legal research, analyzing existing and emerging policy strategies, providing trainings, and generating model regulations, we educate communities and empower governments to pursue effective measures that are legally defensible. We produce reports and analyses concerning gun-related legal issues, model laws and other training materials, and provide legal experts to speak at seminars, conferences, and other meetings of public officials, the media, and allied organizations in the gun violence prevention movement. Journalists trust us to supply them the legal background on gun policy issues and the legal aspects of the gun policy debate. In turn, we inject legal expertise into the media’s coverage of public policy debates concerning gun violence. Using interviews, op-eds and press releases, we contribute the legal perspective, emphasizing that effective gun laws enhance public safety. Our staff present workshops for public officials, public health professionals, violence prevention activists, attorneys, law enforcement personnel, and other community leaders. We use our workshops to advance understanding of the effectiveness of smart gun laws and promising approaches to gun regulation. Our staff attorneys provide data and analysis to support the adoption, enforcement, and defense of violence prevention measures. We help ensure that all viable options are considered and that the measures taken will withstand scrutiny if they are challenged in court. Our legal team creates, adapts, and disseminates gun regulations that serve as model laws across the country. Our model laws are a starting point from which state legislation can be drafted, reviewed, debated and ultimately adopted. We also help state and local governments review their gun laws and draft new regulations. We work with attorneys across the country interested in supporting our cause on range of projects, from small research issues up to Supreme Court amicus briefs and direct pro bono representation of local governments facing challenges to gun regulations. In 2017, we launched the Firearms Accountability Counsel Taskforce (FACT), a joint effort by our country’s premier gun violence prevention organizations and the Brennan Center for Justice. FACT works with lawyers from the nation’s preeminent law firms to reduce gun violence and hold the gun industry accountable. Giffords Law Center attorneys and experts are often invited by legislators to testify at state and local legislative hearings examining proposed violence prevention measures. We also provide advice and comment to help legislators and their staff formulate and implement new laws. Our staff and volunteer attorneys coordinate the filing of amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) briefs in which interested parties such as cities, counties, law enforcement and community organizations take a position on crucial legal issues affecting state and local gun regulation.