MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin, 53211-0722 United States

Mission Statement

SEA Literacy uplifts the lives of refugees in greater Milwaukee by empowering them to become engaged members of this diverse, dynamic community. Our goal is to foster social and educational development, thus creating community leaders and inspiring future generations. We are also committed to providing the people of Milwaukee and the surrounding suburbs the opportunity to reach out to their neighbors and strengthen the harmony in our city!

About This Cause

SEA Literacy is a non-profit charity located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. We provide literacy help, homework help, mentoring, tutoring, vocational assistance and cultural education and development to the refugee students in the Milwaukee area. We also take the kids on field trips and have fun activities to encourage English speaking and mentorship.

Po Box 11722
MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin 53211-0722
United States
Phone 414-439-3468
Twitter @SEALmke
Unique Identifier 471160525