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Mission Statement
The American Indian College Fund is the largest nongovernmental source of financial aid for tribal college students. The American Indian College Fund disburses more than 6,000 scholarships annually to American Indian students attending the nation’s 34 accredited Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs).
About This Cause
The American Indian College Fund’s mission is to transform Indian higher education by funding and creating awareness of the unique, community-based accredited Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), offering students access to knowledge, skills, and cultural values which enhance their communities and the country as a whole. The 34 TCUs are located on or near reservations and are fully accredited institutions with the same academic standards as other colleges and universities. These higher education institutions are run by and for the nation’s 566 federally recognized tribes. Most are located on Indian reservations, providing ready access to a quality higher education in remote rural locations while also preserving and incorporating American Indian culture in the curriculum. The College Fund provides American Indian students with access to the TCUs by providing scholarships. Approximately 22 percent of all American Indians and Alaska Natives live below the poverty line, contrasted with a national poverty rate of 15.3%. The gap is even larger for people living on reservations with limited economic opportunities, with 28.4% of the population living below the poverty line. As a result, scholarships can make the difference between whether or not an American Indian student can attend college.