RICHMOND, Virginia, 23230 United States

Mission Statement

Donate Life America is an alliance of national partners and state teams committed to increasing organ, eye and tissue donation and developing a culture of trusted donation expectation.

About This Cause

Donate Life America is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit alliance of national organizations and Donate Life State Teams across the United States committed to saving and healing lives through increased organ, eye and tissue donation. Donate Life America, with the help of its corporate partners, is dedicated to spreading the word about the importance of being a registered donor so that others may live. Our vision is a nation that embraces organ, eye and tissue donation as a fundamental human responsibility. Donate Life America manages and promotes the national brand for donation, Donate LifeSM; assists Donate Life State Teams and national partners in facilitating high-performing donor registries; develops and executes effective multimedia donor education programs; and motivates the American public to register as organ, eye and tissue donors.

5516 Falmouth Street, Suite 302
RICHMOND, Virginia 23230
United States
Phone 804-377-3589
Unique Identifier 541626038