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Mission Statement
The mission of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Georgia is to provide help and hope to neighbors in need, St. Vincent de Paul Georgia has been serving individuals, families and communities across Georgia since 1903, stabilizing those in crisis and creating paths to self-sufficiency.
About This Cause
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Georgia plays and important role in poverty relief and prevention across the state of Georgia. Through a vast volunteer network, 73 Conferences, 40 Client Choice Food Pantries, and 11 Thrift Stores, we are Hope in Action for children, families, and individuals in need. SVdP Georgia, along with its counterparts across the nation and across the world, works to serve the needs of the poor and marginalized in our local communities. With a strong network of support from individual donors, fellow nonprofit organizations, corporate leaders, and elected officials, SVdP Georgia empowers our neighbors in need and helps them move along the path toward stability and self-sufficiency through our 3 major initiatives; Hunger, Housing and Health.