Atlanta, Georgia, 30315 United States

Mission Statement

Our mission is to rescue, restore and re-stabilize at risk and homeless individuals and families so they can thrive and become self-sufficient. We are a Christian international organization that has distributed more than $3.0 billion in food, clothing, medical, educational, toiletries, furniture and cleaning supplies in 16 Georgia counties, three states and to the Philippines, the Ivory Coast and Uganda.

About This Cause

For over 40 years, HFTH, a Christian based 501c3 organization has stood as a symbol of hope for a downtrodden and ignored community to provide programs that will transform, stabilize, and produce a positive impact in working poor and homeless families, meeting their basic needs for food, clothing, living supplies, utility assistance, and counseling, Our program services offer a“turn-key” solution that gives the homeless population a “hand-up” and not a “hand-out”. We follow the principle that education and self-help must fortify charity work so recipients learn to break the cycle of poverty. HFTH prevents homelessness by providing rent, mortgage, and utility assistance, financial literacy and GED classes, distribution of school supplies and book bags to children, intensive case management and support programs to teach recipients how to develop small businesses. In our 2013-14 fiscal year, HFTH served over 25,000 homeless and working poor through our Food Pantry, Community Events, Outreach Services, and our annual Holiday Dinner Festivals. Hosea Feed The Hungry and Homeless was founded in 1971 by civil rights icons Rev. Hosea and Juanita T. Williams. Their vision was instrumental in guiding HFTH as it became one of the most significant human services organizations in the Southeast United States. We operate on a year round basis and was named as one of the top charities in Georgia for our Katrina relief program to over 6,000 hurricane survivors by the Georgia State Senate.

2545 Forrest Hills Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30315
United States
Phone Amy Smith
Twitter @4Hosea
Unique Identifier 581340903