ORLANDO, Florida, 32805-1739 United States

Mission Statement

The Orlando Union Rescue Mission is one of Central Florida's oldest and largest homeless service providers. The Mission provides for immediate physical needs -- including food, clothing and shelter -- however, our programs are designed to lead the homeless to permanent independence built upon a personal relationship with Christ. Since 1948, the Orlando Union Rescue Mission's purpose is to bring the hungry, hurting and homeless to a new life, new goals and a new future in Christ.

About This Cause

OUR Men’s Center is a 120 bed facility serving homeless men. Emergency shelter guests receive basic needs while those participating in the Discipleship Program complete a one year work training program. OUR Mission Home is a 202 bed transitional housing facility serving single women, single mothers, single fathers and in-tact families. Each guest is assigned a Case Manager (addressing functional issues) and Biblical Counselor (addressing spiritual matters) and works toward a goal of regaining self-sufficiency. The Arthur J. and Marie H. Williams Family Life Center includes: an adult high school, computer labs, tutoring rooms, preschool, gymnasium, library, beauty salon and other supportive services to help OURM guests. The Don and Patricia Moody Chapel & Activity Center serves as a location to broadcast a message of hope to OURM guests and the surrounding community.

1521 W Washington St
ORLANDO, Florida 32805-1739
United States
Phone 407-422-4855
Unique Identifier 591035082