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Mission Statement
Special Olympics Kentucky provides year-round sports training and athletic competition for more than 8,900 children and adults with intellectual disabilities across the state of Kentucky. SOKY offers training and competition opportunities in 15 sports.
About This Cause
Special Olympics Kentucky provides year-round sports training and athletic competition for more than 8,900 children and adults with intellectual disabilities across the state of Kentucky. SOKY offers training and competition opportunities in 15 sports. The benefits of participation in Special Olympics for people with intellectual disabilities include improved physical fitness and motor skills, greater self-confidence, a more positive self-image, friendships, and increased family support. Special Olympics athletes carry these benefits with them into their daily lives at home, in the classroom, on the job, and in the community. Families who participate become stronger as they learn a greater appreciation of their athlete’s talents. Everyone learns more about the capabilities of people with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics believes that competition among those of equal abilities is the best way to test its athletes’ skills, measure their progress, and inspire them to grow. Special Olympics believes that its program of sports training and competition helps people with intellectual disabilities become physically fit and grow mentally, socially, and spiritually.