JOHNSON CITY, Tennessee, 37601-0000 United States

Mission Statement

Appalachia Service Project is a Christian ministry, open to all people, that inspires hope and service through volunteer home repair in Central Appalachia.

About This Cause

Appalachia Service Project's vision is that substandard housing in Central Appalachia will be eradicated and that everyone who comes into contact with this ministry will be transformed. Our Guiding Principles • We believe that each person is a child of God imbued with dignity and worth. • We accept people right where they are and just the way they are. • We believe that all people should be able to live in affordable, safe, and sanitary housing. • We are committed to witness through the good quality of our work and careful stewardship of our resources. • We believe God calls people to serve others as volunteer partners in ministry and we will encourage their growth in faith as they answer this call. • Where ASP is involved in local communities we will encourage, affirm, and support the fair and just treatment of people. • We believe in ministering in the spirit of love, acceptance, and hopefulness.

4523 Bristol Hwy
JOHNSON CITY, Tennessee 37601-0000
United States
Phone 4238548800
Unique Identifier 620989383