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Mission Statement
The Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention, Inc., FISP is committed to the prevention of suicide by helping to alleviate those factors in society contributing to feelings of alienation, desperation, isolation, helplessness, and hopelessness through Education, Support, Advocacy and Research. Each year FISP touches the lives of up to 40,000 people with our various programs that help save one life at a time.
About This Cause
The Florida Initiative for Suicide Prevention, Inc., FISP is committed to the prevention of suicide by helping to alleviate those factors in society contributing to feelings of alienation, desperation, isolation, helplessness, and hopelessness through Education, Support, Advocacy and Research. Each year FISP touches the lives of up to 40,000 people with our various programs that help save one life at a time. FISP's vision is to HELP PREVENT SUICIDE by offering help to those who suffer or are contemplating suicide and to all those who are effected by the suicide of a loved one, by providing the alternatives of hope, support, and resources. FISP is committed to helping those that have lost a loved one by suicide and those at risk for suicide, their families and friends with phone support, written support packages, referrals and 5 survivors of suicide loss support groups. FISP goes and visits a family, business, school, or organization if requested after a suicide occurs to help educate and support them through the grieving process. Each year FISP holds a free day long Day of Healing Conference for Survivors of Suicide Loss to help them learn how to cope and healing ways to deal with their loss. Our educational programs include trainings and presentations for the general public at all types of venues including schools, community organizations, businesses, religions organizations and clubs. FISP’s Executive Director/CEO, Jackie Rosen, is a trainer for the Children’s Services Council of Broward, the Broward Sheriffs’ Office Crisis Intervention Team program and in Broward County schools. Our most exciting educational program is FISP’s after school HOPE Sunshine Clubs for middle and high school students. The HOPE Sunshine Clubs teach skills including problem solving, leadership and communication skills and valuable information about suicide prevention, bullying, substance abuse, stress and anger management, gender identity, brain disorders and diseases, distracted driving, dating violence and social media do's and don'ts. These skills will help students make better decisions and have better communication skills which will allow them to reach out to help others. These skills will allow them to help themselves better negotiate through their daily lives in the complicated world we live in today for all their years to come. Research shows that problem solving skills saves lives. By having an active volunteer base to supplement our activities FISP is able to involve more of our citizens in our mission. FISP volunteers also multiply its ability to educate so many more of our community members. We teach them about suicide prevention and how they can be proactive in saving lives in their families and communities. Our research is conducted on the programs that we are presently providing and on possible new programs to enhance our prevention efforts. We partner with Nova Southeastern University and their students and other professionals to help us learn how we can improve our programs. Our advocacy efforts for Suicide Prevention includes an active membership on the Florida State Suicide Prevention Coordinating Council, the Florida State Suicide Prevention Strategy Committee, the Florida Suicide Prevention Coalition, serving on the Board of the Broward Behavior Health Coalition, we are also members of the United Way Weston Youth Alliance Committee for Substance Abuse and Behavioral Health in Weston FL. FISP went to Tallahassee to present a training at the 2016 Day at the Capital Conference and met with legislators regarding the new law requiring Florida teachers to be trained in suicide prevention. FISP is here to help in any way we can to prevent the feelings that are common to all those that die by suicide. The feelings of no self-worth, being a burden to those they love, feeling everyone would be better off if they weren't here and such a urgent need to end their pain that they lose their fear of death.