Alexandria, Louisiana, 71301 United States

Mission Statement

The United Way of Central Louisiana empowers members of the community through access to and improvement in education, health and financial stability.

About This Cause

The United Way of Central Louisiana builds stronger communities by working in three areas that improve people’s lives: health, education, and financial stability. We create change and inspire hope by connecting businesses, agencies, volunteers, and donors to build a stronger community. We do this throughout our 8-parish region by implementing much needed programs to solve key community issues, funding many local causes and non-profit organizations and developing partnerships with community leaders to assess local needs. *Building Stronger Families: A family stability program started in 2022 that consists of 14 skill building classes designed to increase economic mobility through access to community resources. Each class addresses a vital part of financial education (home buying, budgeting, etc.). Clients also receive financial incentives for attending classes as well as match funding on any savings made during the duration of the program. A youth component is also included in the curriculum for families with children. This program was launched this year and currently has a total of 18 participants. *Voluntary Income Tax Assistance Program(VITA) provides free tax preparation to families earning less than $67,000 per year. VITA's mission is to increase financial stability by maximizing community members federal and state tax return dollars. In 2021, we saved our clients $103,400 in tax preparer fees. Our clients received a total of $636,035 in federal refunds and $46,370 in state refunds. Most of the volunteers are business or finance students from local colleges. *UWCL 2-1-1 Referral Service is an information and referral system that links people with local resources. Anyone located anywhere in Louisiana can dial this easy to remember number and be connected with a live customer service representative 24/7, 365. During a hurricane, 2-1-1 is utilized in disaster management to provide up to date information on resources such as shelters. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, 2-1-1 has maintained up-to-date information on local testing sites, vaccination sites, and relief resources. In 2021, UWCL's 2-1-1 specialists answered 6,966 calls and met 6,770 needs. *SingleCare is discount prescription program aiming to make medications more affordable for lower income individuals. SingleCare can be used at any Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, and many more locations near you with a potential savings of up to 80%. One SingleCare card can be used every time you fill a prescription.

1101 4Th Street, Suite 202
Alexandria, Louisiana 71301
United States
Phone 352-978-5084
Website www.uwcl.org
Unique Identifier 720462338