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Mission Statement
Our Mission: To transform our community through the power of sport
About This Cause
For more than thirty years, San Antonio Sports has been transforming our community through the power of sport by developing Healthy Kids, Places to Play, and Events that Impact. Healthy Kids. Our youth programs impact more than 150,000 children each year in San Antonio through free, school-based efforts. Our innovative i play! afterschool program reaches 1,125 children in 45 inner-city elementary schools, teaching the fundamentals of five sports – track & field, soccer, volleyball, tennis and golf – while also providing nutrition and character education. Our Go!Kids Challenge, Kids Rock Marathon Training Program and Fit Family Challenge provide fun ways to get fit. Places to Play. San Antonio Sports has led the local effort to turn elementary and middle school property in underserved areas into playgrounds and park space utilized by students during the day and the neighborhood after school. SPARKs – school parks – are a creative way to increase park space by utilizing existing school land. We created and continue to manage a 20-year community facilities plan and campaigned for bonds and the visitor tax extension that led to the development of new athletic facilities. Events that Impact. San Antonio Sports has delivered premier sporting events to the Alamo City, which have provided more than $460 million in economic impact. We have hosted three NCAA© Men’s Final Four©, two NCAA© Women’s Final Fours© and numerous other NCAA© championships. The Rock ‘n’ Roll San Antonio Marathon, USA Swimming championships, and San Antonio Sports All-Star Football Game are just some of the events which continue to provide a positive economic impact and media exposure. We invite everyone to become a part of the San Antonio Sports team as a participant, a volunteer, and a donor, Help us make a difference in our community.