Venice, California, 90294 United States

Mission Statement

The Bail Project is a national nonprofit organization that combats mass incarceration by disrupting the money bail system—one person at a time. We restore the presumption of innocence, reunite families, and challenge a system that criminalizes race and poverty. We’re on a mission to end cash bail and create a more just, equitable, and humane pretrial system.

About This Cause

Today in America, two people charged with exactly the same thing will experience different justice systems based on the size of their bank account and the color of their skin. For many people in jail, poverty is the only thing standing in the way of their freedom. Over the past 20 years, pretrial detention has accounted for nearly all jail growth across the U.S. As a result, the legal system is penalizing those who are living in poverty and further entrenching people into oppressive systems, jeopardizing their physical health, access to resources, and burdening them with many other forms of oppression. The Bail Project is a national nonprofit organization that provides free bail assistance to thousands of low-income people every year while working to eliminate cash bail. Through our model of Community Release with Support, we extend our help after paying bail by connecting our clients to voluntary services and resources, based on their needs, and provide them with court reminders and transportation assistance for the duration of their case. As people come back to court, bail payments return to our National Revolving Bail Fund and we reuse them to help more people. Along with these direct services, we use the power of human stories and data to make the case for ending cash bail and investing in communities.

Po Box 750
Venice, California 90294
United States
Phone 770-355-6292
Twitter @bailproject
Unique Identifier 814985512