Stockbridge, Georgia, 30281 United States

Mission Statement

CARRY is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering positive change in the lives of underserved youth through charitable and educational initiatives, both locally and nationally.

About This Cause

What does CARRY stand for? C - Cultivating Character: We are committed to cultivating the character of our youth by instilling values such as integrity, trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, care, and citizenship. A - Nurturing Aspirations: Our goal is to nurture the aspirations of young individuals, encouraging them to believe in their abilities and inspiring them to reach for their dreams. R - Fostering Relationships: We believe in the power of strong relationships. We foster connections that allow each youth to feel valued, supported, and part of a caring community. R - Encouraging Responsibility: We empower youth to take ownership of their lives by setting and achieving short-term and long-term goals. We encourage the development of a sense of responsibility. Y - Embracing Youthfulness: We celebrate the joy of youth and understand that sometimes, fun and games are essential. We engage in events and programs that allow young individuals to enjoy themselves while building bonds and uplifting one another.

Po Box 1375
Stockbridge, Georgia 30281
United States
Phone 404-590-6327
Unique Identifier 820678791