Girls on the Run of Puget Sound

Seattle, Washington, 98133 United States

Mission Statement

We envision a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams.

About This Cause

Girls on the Run is an international program whose mission is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experienced-based curriculum that creatively integrates running. The objective of Girls on the Run is to educate and empower girls at an early age in order to prevent the display of at-risk activities in the future. We envision a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams. Girls on the Run of Puget Sound currently serves schools in King County by recruiting, training, and supporting volunteer coaches for a 8-week long after school program that runs each fall and spring for girls in 3rd-8th grade. Moreover, Running Buddies accompany and cheer on each girl participant in the 5K race that represents 'graduation' from the program. Since we've we started over 20 years ago, GOTR Puget Sound served over 20,000 girls throughout King County and NE Pierce County.

Girls on the Run of Puget Sound
13280 Linden Ave N #101
Seattle, Washington 98133
United States
Phone 206-528-2118
Unique Identifier 841618574