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Mission Statement
UMOM New Day Centers mission is to prevent and end homelessness with innovative strategies and housing solutions that meet the unique needs of each family and individual.
About This Cause
UMOM was founded in 1964 to provide basic needs for at-risk families and individuals in the greater Phoenix communities. UMOM began to provide emergency shelter for single women in 1987 and has sheltered families since 1992. Today, UMOM’s mission is to prevent and end homelessness with innovative strategies and housing solutions that meet the unique needs of each family and individual. The vision of UMOM is to be a leader in breaking the cycle of homelessness. UMOM has grown significantly over the past 54 years and offers diverse solutions to housing to end homelessness, which makes a greater impact in our community. In 2017, UMOM acquired programs and staff from Tumbleweed and launched the new Halle Women’s Center. In our last fiscal year, UMOM served approximately 4,300 homeless individuals including families with children in the Greater Phoenix Metro Area. Of those 4,300 individuals, over 2,500 were children and youth. UMOM serves people of all ages, genders and ethnicities as well as families with non-traditional heads of household. UMOM provides multiple interventions to end homelessness for any and every family, single women and individual youth. UMOM’s services include coordinated entry, emergency and extended shelter/transitional housing, rapid rehousing, permanent affordable and supportive housing and workforce development programming. UMOM anticipates the needs of families and individuals and makes services easily accessible. UMOM’s current programs serving homeless families, women and youth throughout Maricopa County include: -Emergency (108 units) and Transitional Housing (28 units, 8 of which are for veterans) for families. -Domestic Violence Shelter, provides immediate Transitional Housing (10 units). -Diane and Bruce Halle Women’s Center, serves up to 130 women every night. -Youth Crisis Shelter, (10 beds) for independent minor youth ages 12-17 -Youth Independent Living Programs, provides shelter for runaway, homeless and at-risk youth ages 16-21 (and their minor children) -Permanent Affordable Housing, provides more than 300 affordable units of housing with community support services. -Phoenix Youth Resource Center, a day resource center for street-based youth. -Rapid Rehousing, provides rental assistance to homeless families and individual women and youth. -Permanent Supportive Housing, provides 85 units for families, youth, and single women. -Wellness Center, provides healthcare and wellness support to residents. -Children and Youth Services, for children six weeks through 17 years, provides early education and after-school and summer programming for all children and youth members of families in shelter. -On-site vocational training and off-site training with nonprofit partners, including job readiness and job retention through career coaching support. -Social Enterprise, Helpings Café, Market and Catering, offers on-site training through our food service training program.