BROOKLYN, New York, 11238-5995 United States

Mission Statement

Nocturnal Medicine is a nonprofit studio for climate consciousness & cultural transformation. Our mission is to regenerate our cultural relationship with nature. We are redesigning the cultural infrastructure that underpins our society and creating new ways of gathering that connect people to the natural world. The rites, rituals and spaces we create are a portal to the world we want, where life is rich with the intimacy and impact of a justice-oriented, collective relationship with nature.

About This Cause

Resolving the climate crisis demands an overwhelming amount of change at an unprecedented speed and scale. Every day brings new stories of environmental disaster and human suffering that can only be addressed by a fundamental transformation of society. This constant drumbeat of catastrophe and collapse can be paralyzing, especially when you have to face it alone. The sense that the system is too big and too ingrained for individuals to change doesn’t help. In a culture built on the exploitation of nature and other people, so many of us have lost touch with the innate sacredness of the environment. Hopeless, alone with our feelings, and disconnected from the natural world, we don’t realize how powerful it is to be part of something bigger than ourselves. No wonder we’re having trouble building a mass movement of coordinated action. Nocturnal Medicine is redesigning the cultural infrastructure that underpins our society and creating new ways of gathering that connect people to the natural world. The rites, rituals and spaces we create are a portal to the world we want, where life is rich with the intimacy and impact of a justice-oriented, collective relationship with nature. We mourn what’s been lost, celebrate what remains, and bring forth visions of the future we long for. Directly confronting our difficult realities and the complex emotions they evoke fuels powerful feelings of catharsis and opens up space for the possibility of something new. Each rite also forges new connections between people, building community, solidarity, and a mass movement towards a new cultural relationship with nature—one rooted in justice, liberation from exploitation, and reverence for Earth, each other, and ourselves. Together, we can break from the extractive patterns of the past and forge a regenerative, sustainable future for our planet.

850 Fulton Street #3
BROOKLYN, New York 11238-5995
United States
Phone 3109514855
Unique Identifier 863574273