SALT LAKE CTY, Utah, 84116 United States

Mission Statement

The mission of Catholic Community Services of Utah (CCS) is to practice gospel values of Love, Compassion and Hope through Service, Support and Collaboration. Since 1945, CCS has been empowering people in need along the Wasatch Front to reach self-sufficiency. By giving strength to the weakest in our midst, CCS is able to lovingly serve and provide hope to those with the greatest need in our community regardless of race, religion or personal circumstance. To the poor, the hungry, and the homeless, we are help and hope. To the refugee, we are safety and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. To the immigrant, we are a path to acceptance and participation. To the volunteer, we are an opportunity to serve. Because we see a need, we are a voice for social change.

About This Cause

Our services focus on two key geographic regions: the Salt Lake City area and Ogden/Northern Utah. Focusing on these two areas allows our programs to serve the majority of Utah’s population. This dense clustering of people allows CCS to provide essential services to approximately 25,000 unduplicated clients each year. CCS operates nine programs throughout the Wasatch Front including Northern Utah: > St. Vincent de Paul Dining Hall - Serving 2,000 hot meals daily to community members experiencing hunger and residents of Salt Lake County’s six homeless resource centers. > St. Vincent's Kitchen Academy - A twelve-week culinary arts training program designed to prepare individuals facing homelessness for a job as a mid-level cook at a restaurant upon graduation. > Weigand Homeless Day Center - The Weigand Homeless Resource Center offers a safe place for homeless individuals to stay cool or get warm during the day, and connect to resources. It is the only day shelter of its kind in Salt Lake City. > Joyce Hansen Hall Food Bank - Providing food assistance through a grocery store-like experience to over 1,500 households each month, most of which are families with children. > Bridging the Gap childhood hunger program - Supplying groceries to students in Weber and Davis counties on Fridays to make sure they don’t go hungry through the weekend. > St. Martha's Baby Layette project - Helping new, low-income mothers get off to a good start with baby layettes and case management. > Refugee Resettlement - Guiding newly-arrived refugees from war-torn countries towards a stable, healthy, and self-sufficient future in Utah. > Refugee Foster Care - Resettling unaccompanied youth through our licensed refugee foster care system into screened and trained foster homes. > Immigration - Providing legal assistance and consultation services to anyone in need of immigration services, including asylum seekers, in Salt Lake and Weber counties.

Catholic Community Services Of Utah 224 North 2200 West
SALT LAKE CTY, Utah 84116
United States
Phone 801-428-1230
Twitter @CCSUT
Unique Identifier 870212450