SPOKANE, Washington, 99210-2253 United States

Mission Statement

Catholic Charities administers programs in the 13 counties of Eastern Washington which provide food, shelter, clothing, education, counseling and support to those in need regardless of creed.

About This Cause

With humble beginnings in 1912 when eight parishes came together to do collectively what none could achieve alone, Catholic Charities Spokane today is a dynamic, value-driven organization of over 250 employees with an annual budget of $12 million. We annually serve more than 70,000 different people and are the largest sectarian social service organization between Seattle and Minneapolis. Our goals remain true to the original vision of the 1912 "Betterment League" - to help those who need us - our brothers and sisters in Christ, helping them to gain or regain wholeness. While we are Catholic in name and in values, we serve all persons in need; our caring and assistance extends throughout the 13 counties of Eastern Washington. We operate with a progressive management team and are advised by a number of Boards. As we celebrate 103 years of service to our Eastern Washington community, we stand ready and, indeed, look forward to meeting the many challenges of the future. Mostly, we look forward to providing a caring hand to the many poor and vulnerable people who come to our doors every day. Our programs include: Childbirth & Parenting Assistance (CAPA) Christmas Bureau Counseling Food for All House of Charity Parish Social Ministry Catholic Campaign for Human Development Catholic Relief Services Emergency Assistance Respect Life St. Anne's Children and Family Center Partners for Community Living at Bernadette Place Refugee and Immigration Services St. Margaret's Shelter Senior & Family Housing Senior Services Volunteer Chore Services Foster Grandparent Program Senior Nutrition Catholic Charities Walla Walla Catholic Charities Furniture Bank and Furnishings for Hope retail store

Po Box 2253
SPOKANE, Washington 99210-2253
United States
Phone 509-358-4264
Unique Identifier 910569880