SEATTLE, Washington, 98103-6955 United States

Mission Statement

Through innovative programs, effective partnerships, and the latest science, the Snow Leopard Trust is saving the magnificent snow leopard and improving the lives of people who live in the snow leopard countries of Central Asia.

About This Cause

Snow leopards are endangered and declining across Central Asia. We are working to save them through community conservation, research and education. Snow leopards have huge home ranges--as large as Manhattan Island! Within these large home ranges, snow leopards often overlap areas used by people and their livestock. Collaborating with local communities is the key to saving snow leopards from extinction. At the Snow Leopard Trust we have been developing community-based conservation programs for more than a decade. For instance, we offer to help villages establish livestock insurance programs, so that herders that depend on their livestock for their livelihood can insure them against losses from predators. This way, herders no longer fear the cats. In other areas, we help herders supplement their small incomes by making traditional handicrafts. We help them sell these beautiful hand-made goods, enabling families to financially tolerate livestock losses to snow leopards. These families agree to protect snow leopards as part of the program. Snow leopards are also highly cryptic and are one of the least studied of the world’s large cats. Fundamental knowledge required for their conservation is lacking. The Snow Leopard Trust is carrying out numerous research projects in key snow leopard habitats, and is managing a long-term study in southern Mongolia. This 15-year study is using state-of-the-art technology, such as satellite GPS collars, digital cameras, and genetic studies to provide the information needed to help ensure the long-term survival of the cats. In addition to community conservation and research, education is an important factor in the Trust’s ability to save snow leopards from extinction. We strive to provide environmental education within snow leopard landscapes and to people around the world to build greater awareness and appreciation for snow leopard conservation.

4649 Sunnyside Avenue North Ste 325
SEATTLE, Washington 98103-6955
United States
Phone 2067557976
Unique Identifier 911144119