SAN FRANCISCO, California, 94104-9017 United States

Mission Statement

State and local policymakers are key to tackling climate change. A whopping 75% of US Climate emissions are controlled by state and local governments. But with 500,000 elected officials across America, scaling up local climate leadership is a challenge of scope and coordination. To solve this problem, Climate Cabinet Education combines data science and policy expertise to find and support local leaders with big climate opportunities – think of us as “Moneyball” for climate policy.

About This Cause

At Climate Cabinet, we help local leaders lead on climate – at scale. With 500,000 state and local offices across the U.S., we use data science to find and support the leaders who can make the biggest impact. Our policy team builds on that information, paired with powerful on-the-ground relationships, to drive coordinated strategies for a groundswell of climate leadership – from cities, counties, and states on up.

150 Sutter St Unit 695
SAN FRANCISCO, California 94104-9017
United States
Twitter @clicab_edu
Unique Identifier 923390074