BURBANK, California, 91506-1442 United States

Mission Statement

The Burbank Temporary Aid Center (BTAC) is dedicated to helping meet the short-term emergency needs for food, temporary shelter and the necessities of life for homeless and low-income individuals and families in the Burbank area. The Burbank Ministerial Association and the Burbank Coordinating Council founded BTAC in 1974 with the purpose of coordinating and organizing assistance to Burbank residents. From its humble beginnings, BTAC has evolved, based on the growing and changing needs of the community to provide a variety of services. Although originally intended to provide short-term assistance, it has become a long-term necessity for many members of our community.

About This Cause

BTAC is a unique organization providing a variety of services including, referral information to long-term service agencies, counseling and support groups, and other agencies. Some of our additional services include: • Case Management • Food and groceries from the BTAC pantry • USDA food • Assistance with utility bills • Shower and laundry facilities for homeless • Mailing address for homeless • Short-term, emergency shelter vouchers • Local bus fare / Taxi vouchers • Gasoline vouchers • One-way bus tickets • Replacement of ID’s and other legal documents • Limited prescription assistance • Minor medical, vision and dental assistance • Santa’s Room – a program providing gifts to low income families during the holiday season • Season clothing, generally winter coats and blankets

1304 W Burbank Blvd
BURBANK, California 91506-1442
United States
Phone 818-848-2822
Twitter @thebtac
Unique Identifier 953309130